标题: 安装成功 编译失败mpi.mod different version of GNU Fortran [打印本页] 作者Author: Zhansheng 时间: 2023-3-29 19:54 标题: 安装成功 编译失败mpi.mod different version of GNU Fortran 安装过程:./install_cp2k_toolchain.sh --with-sirius=no --with-openmpi=system --with-plumed=install --with-elpa=no --math-mode=mkl --with-scalapack=no --with-openblas=no
23 | USE mpi
| 1
Warning: USE statement at (1) has no ONLY qualifier [-Wuse-without-only]
/gpfs/home/fujia/CP2K/cp2k-2023.1/exts/dbcsr/src/mpi/dbcsr_mpiwrap.F:23:8: Fatal Error: Cannot read module file ‘/gpfs/software/openmpi/4.1.1/lib/mpi.mod’ opened at (1), because it was created by a different version of GNU Fortran