标题: ORCA计算单点能报错问题 [打印本页] 作者Author: 桃子量子 时间: 2023-11-23 09:51 标题: ORCA计算单点能报错问题 输入文件
! DLPNO-CCSD(T) normalPNO RIJK aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVTZ/JK aug-cc-pVTZ/C tightSCF noautostart miniprint nopop
%maxcore 3000
%pal nprocs 10 end
smd true
SMDsolvent "water"
* xyz -2 2
C -1.38548700 0.51532300 -1.02463400
C -0.43977600 -0.13433600 0.01104200
C 0.95426500 0.52308200 0.06569800
S 2.22338200 -0.52951600 0.93321800
O 3.20837200 0.42079200 1.42303000
O 1.43856700 -1.16953200 1.98206600
O 2.68961800 -1.42756800 -0.11227500
F -0.32794000 -1.42888400 -0.32171900
F -1.02962800 0.18681500 -2.25736300
F -1.03300400 -0.03611300 1.20651100
F 1.33646100 0.77535100 -1.19949800
F -1.36932900 1.83726000 -0.90673100
F 0.82706600 1.68910400 0.72195000
F -2.62362500 0.08388000 -0.81486800
O 4.44596500 3.10050300 -1.77667300
H 3.82969200 2.70104500 -1.09034900
H 4.26395500 2.53776100 -2.55360900
WARNING: the maximum gradient error descreased on average only by a factor 1.1
during the last 20 iterations
*** Initiating the TRAH-SCF procedure ***
Iter. energy ||Error||_2 Shift TRadius Mac/Mic Rej.
0 -1508.422820536128 2.646621e-03 0.400 (TRAH MAcro) No
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0-9] process exited without calling finalize
---- error analysis -----
[0-9] on PC-202305051251
D:\orca\orca_scf_mpi.exe ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 62
---- error analysis -----
ORCA finished by error termination in SCF
Calling Command: mpiexec -np 10 D:\orca\orca_scf_mpi.exe E:\sjn\C3F7SO3-1H2O-AB\A-1\C3F7SO3-1H2O-a-1-E.gbw b E:\sjn\C3F7SO3-1H2O-AB\A-1\C3F7SO3-1H2O-a-1-E
[file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
.... aborting the run