-1 1
Co -1.38474085 1.82023006 -1.89526294
C -1.04276199 1.56994221 -0.05513821
N -1.53312889 2.13740869 0.96428829
C -1.50030411 1.09464623 2.03826464
C -0.55653375 0.16274931 1.55594565
N -0.16452634 0.79069265 0.28659655
C 0.84701433 0.97645745 -0.73352027
C 0.53377161 -0.41972057 -1.32602668
C 1.73656186 -0.85195755 -2.22178485
C 1.73422969 0.00127062 -3.48776130
C 1.76573456 1.44077043 -3.09876034
C 0.64697374 1.67531224 -2.12313835
C -1.89748905 3.57327576 0.83803357
C -2.91706534 4.57196180 0.22815167
C -2.93845887 5.89406120 1.01839529
C -3.59829980 5.62109355 2.34043537
C -2.85130996 4.49261913 3.02108966
C -2.79216655 3.27938888 2.06697694
C -1.97916447 -0.10083093 -2.36344449
N -3.14357518 -0.23987256 -2.77377094
C -3.45433443 -1.17152144 -3.76134018
C -2.57194935 -2.08067510 -3.41746622
N -1.68163902 -1.42901429 -2.39716583
C -0.85244618 -2.32156457 -1.67966487
C -1.97087124 -3.22225635 -2.33132738
C -1.47274448 -4.60982785 -2.67557190
C -1.24939526 -5.34933716 -1.38509254
C -0.32253236 -4.52542666 -0.49961625
C -0.91988840 -3.11999130 -0.33139163
C -3.88721827 0.45472301 -1.97156059
C -3.43457201 1.31018994 -0.80400817
C -4.51260940 2.22739252 -0.41676899
C -4.71067853 3.18654833 -1.55550471
C -4.93992721 2.41486551 -2.84404706
C -3.74686984 1.52236616 -3.02507058
N -0.68696087 3.52631309 -1.62639297
N -0.27354733 4.53713045 -1.46710581
N -1.66699775 2.28038650 -3.69273677
N -1.77494859 2.60264815 -4.73474106
H -2.04190152 1.07485324 2.96233346
H -0.19727372 -0.73659570 2.01320166
H 0.38339712 1.90221585 -0.46224328
H -0.36305150 -0.40736395 -1.90565634
H 0.42149898 -1.10649926 -0.51261138
H 1.64236051 -1.87254724 -2.50739255
H 2.64955460 -0.71519247 -1.67454155
H 0.83025661 -0.19172438 -4.02687368
H 2.57347695 -0.22399508 -4.11000315
H 1.62817732 2.04582919 -3.97361355
H 2.69154234 1.69872219 -2.63394512
H -0.28546644 1.35800116 -2.54702473
H 0.61927659 2.73238668 -1.93460277
H -1.81131437 3.26722269 -0.18239894
H -3.89232995 4.14281048 0.19466404
H -2.58406766 4.79361054 -0.76711959
H -3.50638514 6.63314952 0.49382766
H -1.93402841 6.24902892 1.14755091
H -4.60395581 5.32327763 2.16397504
H -3.58384199 6.50046470 2.95153901
H -3.37775395 4.23222651 3.91438841
H -1.85582949 4.79283562 3.26556973
H -3.77644009 3.01670448 1.74094436
H -2.35838809 2.45871145 2.59958706
H -4.20632786 -1.15357403 -4.52104089
H -2.53016772 -3.09403971 -3.75892766
H -0.84611067 -1.49164004 -1.00421433
H -2.27299109 -2.74165858 -3.23788529
H -2.81543099 -3.30090205 -1.66664479
H -0.57298179 -4.52527787 -3.24164278
H -2.20654000 -5.13679437 -3.25362573
H -0.83003944 -6.31126899 -1.57936006
H -2.19217187 -5.46447193 -0.88880533
H 0.64501282 -4.43935755 -0.93842689
H -0.24589769 -5.01311922 0.44819682
H -0.35690506 -2.58019436 0.40173820
H -1.94042482 -3.20803397 0.00104440
H -3.28971146 -0.21204722 -1.37191792
H -2.53640779 1.83682975 -1.05884548
H -3.23616383 0.65390322 0.02451317
H -4.23859804 2.75983334 0.46620700
H -5.39479844 1.65621421 -0.22816606
H -3.82348427 3.76690956 -1.67249477
H -5.53674034 3.81389820 -1.34710435
H -5.02849832 3.09307587 -3.65419220
H -5.82382201 1.80640286 -2.78972398
H -2.82807046 2.06474360 -2.94391900
H -3.78076366 1.05127949 -3.99294022
Entering Link 1 = D:\G16W\l1.exe PID= 19676.
Copyright (c) 1988-2019, Gaussian, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This is part of the Gaussian(R) 16 program. It is based on
the Gaussian(R) 09 system (copyright 2009, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian(R) 03 system (copyright 2003, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian(R) 98 system (copyright 1998, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian(R) 94 system (copyright 1995, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian 92(TM) system (copyright 1992, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian 90(TM) system (copyright 1990, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian 88(TM) system (copyright 1988, Gaussian, Inc.),
the Gaussian 86(TM) system (copyright 1986, Carnegie Mellon
University), and the Gaussian 82(TM) system (copyright 1983,
Carnegie Mellon University). Gaussian is a federally registered
trademark of Gaussian, Inc.
This software contains proprietary and confidential information,
including trade secrets, belonging to Gaussian, Inc.
This software is provided under written license and may be
used, copied, transmitted, or stored only in accord with that
written license.
The following legend is applicable only to US Government
contracts under FAR:
Use, reproduction and disclosure by the US Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraphs (a)
and (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted
Rights clause in FAR 52.227-19.
Gaussian, Inc.
340 Quinnipiac St., Bldg. 40, Wallingford CT 06492
Warning -- This program may not be used in any manner that
competes with the business of Gaussian, Inc. or will provide
assistance to any competitor of Gaussian, Inc. The licensee
of this program is prohibited from giving any competitor of
Gaussian, Inc. access to this program. By using this program,
the user acknowledges that Gaussian, Inc. is engaged in the
business of creating and licensing software in the field of
computational chemistry and represents and warrants to the
licensee that it is not a competitor of Gaussian, Inc. and that
it will not use this program in any manner prohibited above.
Cite this work as:
Gaussian 16, Revision C.01,
M. J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, G. E. Scuseria,
M. A. Robb, J. R. Cheeseman, G. Scalmani, V. Barone,
G. A. Petersson, H. Nakatsuji, X. Li, M. Caricato, A. V. Marenich,
J. Bloino, B. G. Janesko, R. Gomperts, B. Mennucci, H. P. Hratchian,
J. V. Ortiz, A. F. Izmaylov, J. L. Sonnenberg, D. Williams-Young,
F. Ding, F. Lipparini, F. Egidi, J. Goings, B. Peng, A. Petrone,
T. Henderson, D. Ranasinghe, V. G. Zakrzewski, J. Gao, N. Rega,
G. Zheng, W. Liang, M. Hada, M. Ehara, K. Toyota, R. Fukuda,
J. Hasegawa, M. Ishida, T. Nakajima, Y. Honda, O. Kitao, H. Nakai,
T. Vreven, K. Throssell, J. A. Montgomery, Jr., J. E. Peralta,
F. Ogliaro, M. J. Bearpark, J. J. Heyd, E. N. Brothers, K. N. Kudin,
V. N. Staroverov, T. A. Keith, R. Kobayashi, J. Normand,
K. Raghavachari, A. P. Rendell, J. C. Burant, S. S. Iyengar,
J. Tomasi, M. Cossi, J. M. Millam, M. Klene, C. Adamo, R. Cammi,
J. W. Ochterski, R. L. Martin, K. Morokuma, O. Farkas,
J. B. Foresman, and D. J. Fox, Gaussian, Inc., Wallingford CT, 2019.
Gaussian 16: EM64W-G16RevC.01 30-May-2019
Will use up to 15 processors via shared memory.
%chk=D:\Computing Chemistry\untitled.chk
%oldchk=D:\Computing Chemistry\untitled.chk
Copying data from "D:\Computing Chemistry\untitled.chk" to current chk file "D:\Computing Chemistry\untitled.chk"
IOpt= 2 FromEx=T IUOpen= 4 IOptOp= 5 NList= 0 IFRang= 0 IUIn= 4 IUOut= 2.
# opt=(calcfc,cartesian) freq b3lyp/sto-3g geom=connectivity scf=(vshi
Symbolic Z-matrix:
Charge = -1 Multiplicity = 1
Co -1.38474 1.82023 -1.89526
C -1.04276 1.56994 -0.05514
N -1.53313 2.13741 0.96429
C -1.5003 1.09465 2.03826
C -0.55653 0.16275 1.55595
N -0.16453 0.79069 0.2866
C 0.84701 0.97646 -0.73352
C 0.53377 -0.41972 -1.32603
C 1.73656 -0.85196 -2.22178
C 1.73423 0.00127 -3.48776
C 1.76573 1.44077 -3.09876
C 0.64697 1.67531 -2.12314
C -1.89749 3.57328 0.83803
C -2.91707 4.57196 0.22815
C -2.93846 5.89406 1.0184
C -3.5983 5.62109 2.34044
C -2.85131 4.49262 3.02109
C -2.79217 3.27939 2.06698
C -1.97916 -0.10083 -2.36344
N -3.14358 -0.23987 -2.77377
C -3.45433 -1.17152 -3.76134
C -2.57195 -2.08068 -3.41747
N -1.68164 -1.42901 -2.39717
C -0.85245 -2.32156 -1.67966
C -1.97087 -3.22226 -2.33133
C -1.47274 -4.60983 -2.67557
C -1.2494 -5.34934 -1.38509
C -0.32253 -4.52543 -0.49962
C -0.91989 -3.11999 -0.33139
C -3.88722 0.45472 -1.97156
C -3.43457 1.31019 -0.80401
C -4.51261 2.22739 -0.41677
C -4.71068 3.18655 -1.5555
C -4.93993 2.41487 -2.84405
C -3.74687 1.52237 -3.02507
N -0.68696 3.52631 -1.62639
N -0.27355 4.53713 -1.46711
N -1.667 2.28039 -3.69274
N -1.77495 2.60265 -4.73474
H -2.0419 1.07485 2.96233
H -0.19727 -0.7366 2.0132
H 0.3834 1.90222 -0.46224
H -0.36305 -0.40736 -1.90566
H 0.4215 -1.1065 -0.51261
H 1.64236 -1.87255 -2.50739
H 2.64955 -0.71519 -1.67454
H 0.83026 -0.19172 -4.02687
H 2.57348 -0.224 -4.11
H 1.62818 2.04583 -3.97361
H 2.69154 1.69872 -2.63395
H -0.28547 1.358 -2.54702
H 0.61928 2.73239 -1.9346
H -1.81131 3.26722 -0.1824
H -3.89233 4.14281 0.19466
H -2.58407 4.79361 -0.76712
H -3.50639 6.63315 0.49383
H -1.93403 6.24903 1.14755
H -4.60396 5.32328 2.16398
H -3.58384 6.50046 2.95154
H -3.37775 4.23223 3.91439
H -1.85583 4.79284 3.26557
H -3.77644 3.0167 1.74094
H -2.35839 2.45871 2.59959
H -4.20633 -1.15357 -4.52104
H -2.53017 -3.09404 -3.75893
H -0.84611 -1.49164 -1.00421
H -2.27299 -2.74166 -3.23789
H -2.81543 -3.3009 -1.66664
H -0.57298 -4.52528 -3.24164
H -2.20654 -5.13679 -3.25363
H -0.83004 -6.31127 -1.57936
H -2.19217 -5.46447 -0.88881
H 0.64501 -4.43936 -0.93843
H -0.2459 -5.01312 0.4482
H -0.35691 -2.58019 0.40174
H -1.94042 -3.20803 0.00104
H -3.28971 -0.21205 -1.37192
H -2.53641 1.83683 -1.05885
H -3.23616 0.6539 0.02451
H -4.2386 2.75983 0.46621
H -5.3948 1.65621 -0.22817
H -3.82348 3.76691 -1.67249
H -5.53674 3.8139 -1.3471
H -5.0285 3.09308 -3.65419
H -5.82382 1.8064 -2.78972
H -2.82807 2.06474 -2.94392
H -3.78076 1.05128 -3.99294
Berny optimization.
Initialization pass.
No Z-matrix variables, so optimization will use Cartesian coordinates.
Trust Radius=3.00D-01 FncErr=1.00D-07 GrdErr=1.00D-06 EigMax=2.50D+02 EigMin=1.00D-04
Number of steps in this run= 271 maximum allowed number of steps= 522.