1. Energy minimization with softcore potentials: 100 steps, 0.02ps time step, flexible water, steep integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
2. Energy minimization with positional restraints: 10,000 steps, 0.02ps time step, flexible water, steep integrator, no temperature and pressure coupling.
3. Equilibration with positional restraints: 10,000 steps, 0.001ps time step, rigid water, sd integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
4. Solvation, ionization and Equilibration with positional restraints: 100,000 steps, other parameters are identical to 2)
5. NVT equilibration with positional restraints: 500,000 steps, 0.002ps time step, rigid water, sd integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
6. Short NPT run with positional restraints: 750,000 steps, 0.02ps time step, rigid water, md integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, Berendsen barostat, isotropic pressure.