用gmx跑了一个蛋白四聚体,在生成tpr文件的时候warn:“The largest distance between excluded atoms is 8.825 nm between atom
22400 and 22402, which is larger than the cut-off distance.”,后面跑能量最小化的时候报错:“There are inconsistent shifts over periodic boundaries in a molecule type
consisting of 44800 atoms. The longest distance involved in such interactionsis 8.613 nm which is close to half the box length.” (, 下载次数 Times of downloads: 8)
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检查了top文件和gro文件,顺序没错,提示里的两个原子是属于两个不同单体的原子(分别是N端和C端),请问大佬们这里应该怎么解决呢,不胜感激! (, 下载次数 Times of downloads: 6)