作者Author: kirSTY 时间: 2024-9-5 00:28
-n设置的是进程数量,应该结合mpirun等类似命令启动计算,比如10进程并行:“mpirun -n 10 molpro .......”。
另外可能还需要手动设置线程数量,比如2线程并行,那就再执行计算前运行”export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2“。
执行之后TOP命令的CPU占用率可能会超过100%,表示核心正在超线程运行,是正常情况。作者Author: beefly 时间: 2024-9-5 15:31
手册第四章开头讲的很清楚:Molpro will run on distributed-memory multiprocessor systems, including workstation clusters, under the control of the Global Arrays parallel toolkit or the MPI-2 library. There are also some parts of the code that can take advantage of shared memory parallelism through the OpenMP protocol, although these are somewhat limited, and this facility is not at present recommended.