最近想复现一下这篇文章(J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 9000−9010)中的速率计算公式。在Internal Conversion中需要计算Vm这一项,里面需要非绝热耦合矩阵元(NACME)<k|∇(1/r)|l>(图1, k和l为电子波函数)
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我自己写的代码在压缩包里 作者Author: 风起~ 时间: 2024-9-6 20:13
Requests that the ground-to-excited-state non-adiabatic coupling be computed. NAC is a synonym for
this option. NoNonAdiabaticCoupling and NoNAC suppress this behavior. The default is NoNAC when
computing energies or energies+gradients because the extra cost is non-trivial. The default is NAC during
frequency calculations where the extra cost is negligible.作者Author: WhatAYoumu 时间: 2024-9-7 01:58
风起~ 发表于 2024-9-6 20:13
Requests that the ground-to-excited-state non-adiabatic coupling be computed. ...