-10 Set threshold for determining one- and two-center LMO, current: 100 0 %
-9 Set the method for calculating orbital composition, current: Hirshfeld
-8 If calculating center position and dipole moment of LMOs, current: Yes
-6 Set localization method, current: Pipek-Mezey with Mulliken population
-5 If also localizing core orbitals, current: Yes
-4 If calculating and printing orbital energies, current: No
-3 If reloading newly generated .fch file, current: Yes
-2 Set criterion of convergence, current: 0.00010000
-1 Set maximum cycles, current: 80
比较奇怪的是,输出的结果里面Alpha LMOs的Two-center bond dipole moments有13C - 1C的dipole,而Beta LMOs里面则没有这一对的dipole。这是为什么呢?
(2)有些原子对在Alpha LMOs和Beta LMOs中都有Two-center bond dipole moments,比如C13 - C5。那这一根键的dipole可以理解成Alpha和Beta的bond dipole的加和吗?