求助,楼主知道该怎么解决了吗 |
saber的呆毛 发表于 2021-7-8 20:56 你加的是哪边的空带?按道理应该是SCF那边的参数,好像是按百分数调整的(我不确定现在的版本是不是这样)。如果实在不行就私下讨论吧。。 |
卡开发发 发表于 2021-7-8 17:13 帖子里面我发不了图片,又发了个新帖子,如果违规,管理员可以删掉 |
卡开发发 发表于 2021-7-8 17:13 帖子字节超过限制了囧 |
卡开发发 发表于 2021-7-8 17:13 是的,我就是调整的空带数,按他说的我用的10同时把smearing也减小了 |
saber的呆毛 发表于 2021-7-8 13:00 按道理应该是增加空带数目,我不确定你调整了什么。 |
卡开发发 发表于 2021-7-8 11:26 谢谢卡卡老师回复是这样的警告,(图片传不上来) 我按照警告里改了依然不行,应该是我改的也不对 Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. 5 -1.59641227E+003 -3.61734362E+000 -3.05857023E-001 0.90 <-- SCF Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. 6 -1.59668314E+003 -3.79288593E+000 2.70876451E-001 0.96 <-- SCF Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. |
Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. 5 -1.59641227E+003 -3.61734362E+000 -3.05857023E-001 0.90 <-- SCF Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. 6 -1.59668314E+003 -3.79288593E+000 2.70876451E-001 0.96 <-- SCF Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 6 to 10. |
saber的呆毛 发表于 2021-7-8 09:34 警告的信息给一下,我看看啥原因。建议要看警告的内容,我们一般都通过这些信息来分析出错的原因,除非这个程序做的很烂,那估计就得查源码了。 |
卡开发发 发表于 2021-7-7 23:00 谢谢老师回答,我算的是结合能,但是我按照二来算,CASTEP文件里全是警告 方法正确的话,这应该是我设置的参数有问题吗? |
看算的是生成/形成能还是结合能,一般来说,形成能按照一来,结合能按照二来。 |
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