灰飞的旋律 发表于 2016-7-15 11:01 1、杂化泛函和纯泛函结果本来就稍有差异,PAW方法和全电子方法也略有差异,虽然原则立场应当相同; 2、还是上次的问题,截断能是否经过测试,未经过测试的截断能给出的结果还是值得怀疑的。 |
灰飞的旋律 发表于 2016-7-14 17:22 1、从最后结果上看,吸附的分子可能涉及到vdW作用的问题,色散修正应该要加上,吸附前的分子相应也要加上; 2、力的收敛标准都提高了,截断能和能量的收敛就不打算提升一下吗?SCF的收敛标准是1E-4,离子弛豫的力反而设置3E-2,我觉得很难得到正确结果,如这个帖子http://bbs.keinsci.com/forum.php ... ;highlight=gaussian的这句话 A related common mistake is to use "SCF(Conver=5)" or lower as the result will be unreliable. In fact, it could lead to failure in convergence for geometry optimization as the gradient approaches 0 near stationary points so you need a reasonable accuracy. There are several thresholds used in the geometry optimization and simply lowering the SCF convergence threshold makes it impossible to meet other convergence criteria. The default optimization convergence criteria for gradient is on the order of 10^(-4). However, when SCF energy is converged to 10^(-5), the gradient is only good to 10^(-3) or lower, which is above the optimization convergence threshold, so it cannot converge. Even if it converges, the result is unreliable and should be avoided in production runs. 3、我仍旧建议截断能的选择最好测试到force能够收敛到预设的收敛标准范围之内,虽然我不知道vasp有什么好办法能够自洽之后输出force。 |
参与人数Participants 2 | eV +6 | 收起 理由Reason |
灰飞的旋律 | + 4 | |
sobereva | + 2 |
本帖最后由 灰飞的旋律 于 2016-7-14 17:25 编辑 BCC-vasp 发表于 2016-7-14 13:48 恩,我是试试加上VDW,反应体系不是溶剂条件。那吸附之前的反应物构型优化要不要也加上VDW呢,我觉得加上后影响应该不太大吧?? |
加上范德瓦耳斯力或溶剂效应试试~ |
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