WilliamH 发表于 2023-5-21 18:57 好的,谢谢您 |
寻常 发表于 2023-5-21 18:42 在QST的时候,如果达到RMS convergence设定的阈值,则程序判定成功搜索到过渡态,否则继续进行QST步骤,直至到达收敛阈值或者Max. number QST steps所设置的最大值。(建议你多翻翻官方手册,遇到不懂的名词善用Google) |
WilliamH 发表于 2023-5-19 09:05 老师,有点看不明白 |
Quality: Set the TS search convergence thresholds for the root mean square (RMS) forces on the atoms. The search will stop when this criterion is satisfied. RMS convergence: Specify the value, in eV Å-1, at which convergence is considered to take place in terms of the RMS of the gradients. Max. number QST steps: Specify the maximum number of QST maximization cycles. If this number of cycles is reached, then the calculation will stop, even if the convergence criteria are not satisfied. |
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