hlmkh 发表于 2016-8-31 11:24 A possible bug, you can send output file to Gaussian staff |
hlmkh 发表于 2016-8-24 13:47 This is a known bug of old version of Gaussian. Use g09 E.01 instead. |
例:%rwf= /tmp/,480MB,/sob/scratch/,2GB,/temp/s0/my_job.rwf, -1 说明在/tmp和/sob/scratch目录下分别允许生成480MB和2GB的rwf文件,文件名自动决定。并且允许生成/temp/s0/my_job.rwf文件,可以占用剩下的所有空间。产生rwf文件时会按照上面设定的顺序产生。 |
本帖最后由 灰飞的旋律 于 2016-8-7 14:12 编辑 I recommend you to read the g09 user book. There is a way to redefine the location of .rwf file you can define the location of .rwf in the bigger partitions of your sever. For a workstation, the default location of .rwf were always set in /tmp . You need to redefine it in /home, it is bigger enough to write the .rwf file. |
rwf文件把硬盘分区写满了。 删垃圾文件腾scratch目录所在的空间,或者自行恰当指定%rwf以设定rwf产生的目录和大小。 必须去掉可耻的scfcyc=1000。 |
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