All results have been obtained from all-electron calculations and are based ongeometries that have been obtained at the CCSD(T) / cc-pVTZ level of theory [3,4] (tightconvergence criteria CONV=10). NMR chemical shift have been calculated at the GIAO CCSD(T) / pz3d2f level of theory [5] including zero-point vibrational effects calculated at the MP2/cc-pVTZ (geometry and anharmonic force field) CCSD(T) / qz2p (chemical shifts) level of theory [6]. Spin-spin coupling constants have been calculated at the CCSD / unc-cc-pVTZ-J level of theory including FC, SD, PSO and DSO contributions [7-10]. FC and SD terms have been calculated using an unrelaxed UHF reference [11,12].
还有就是,Spin-spin 耦合常数看不懂是怎么算的。