但是使用Gaussian计算利用b3lyp/def2TZVP基组优化peo、otac离子基团 计算十分慢 且只能计算一个(用的win g16w)于是想采用orca进行计算来获取电荷信息。
构建了otac的离子基团 用orca计算很快就停了。 由于不太熟悉oacr 不太清楚问题出来哪里 以下是计算的输入输出和报错信息
! opt freq b3lyp d3 def2-svp
nprocs 6
%MaxCore 3200 #MB
*xyz 1 1
C -5.92400 -0.22900 -0.13100
H -5.73900 -1.24800 -0.40000
H -5.42900 -0.00700 0.79100
H -5.55200 0.41500 -0.90000
C -7.43900 -0.00900 0.03400
H -7.62400 1.01100 0.30200
H -7.93500 -0.23000 -0.88800
C -7.97500 -0.93600 1.14100
H -7.48000 -0.71400 2.06300
H -7.79000 -1.95500 0.87300
C -9.49000 -0.71600 1.30600
H -9.98600 -0.93700 0.38400
H -9.67500 0.30400 1.57400
C -10.02600 -1.64300 2.41300
H -9.53000 -1.42100 3.33500
H -9.84100 -2.66200 2.14500
C -11.54100 -1.42200 2.57800
H -12.03700 -1.64400 1.65600
H -11.72600 -0.40300 2.84700
C -12.07700 -2.35000 3.68500
H -11.58100 -2.12800 4.60700
H -11.89200 -3.36900 3.41700
C -13.59200 -2.12900 3.85100
H -14.08800 -2.35100 2.92800
H -13.77700 -1.11000 4.11900
C -14.12800 -3.05700 4.95700
H -13.63200 -2.83500 5.87900
H -13.94300 -4.07600 4.68900
C -15.64300 -2.83600 5.12300
H -16.13800 -3.05800 4.20100
H -15.82800 -1.81700 5.39100
C -16.17900 -3.76400 6.22900
H -15.68300 -3.54200 7.15100
H -15.99400 -4.78300 5.96100
C -17.69400 -3.54300 6.39500
H -18.18900 -3.76500 5.47300
H -17.87900 -2.52400 6.66300
C -18.23000 -4.47000 7.50200
H -17.73400 -4.24900 8.42400
H -18.04500 -5.49000 7.23300
C -19.74500 -4.25000 7.66700
H -20.24000 -4.47200 6.74500
H -19.93000 -3.23100 7.93500
C -20.28000 -5.17700 8.77400
H -19.78500 -4.95600 9.69600
H -20.09600 -6.19700 8.50600
C -21.79600 -4.95700 8.93900
H -22.29100 -5.17900 8.01700
H -21.98100 -3.93800 9.20700
C -22.33100 -5.88400 10.04600
H -21.83600 -5.66200 10.96800
H -22.14600 -6.90300 9.77800
C -23.84700 -5.66400 10.21100
H -24.34200 -5.88600 9.28900
H -24.03100 -4.64500 10.48000
N -24.35800 -6.54900 11.26800
C -25.80400 -6.33800 11.42600
H -26.30000 -6.56000 10.50400
H -26.17600 -6.98300 12.19500
H -25.98900 -5.31900 11.69400
C -24.10400 -7.94900 10.89900
H -24.47600 -8.59300 11.66800
H -24.59900 -8.17100 9.97700
H -23.05100 -8.10200 10.78400
C -23.67700 -6.24400 12.53400
H -22.62400 -6.39700 12.41900
H -23.86200 -5.22500 12.80300
H -24.04900 -6.88800 13.30300
ORCA: too many arguments -
Additional mpi parameters have to be given as a single string!
WARNING: Geometry Optimization
===> : Switching off AutoStart
For restart on a previous wavefunction, please use MOREAD
INFO : the flag for use of the SHARK integral package has been found!
Number of atoms .... 68
Number of degrees of freedom .... 388
ORCA finished by error termination in GSTEP
Calling Command: orca_gstep 1.ginp.tmp
[file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
.... aborting the run
[file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
.... aborting the run
3.33 KB, 下载次数 Times of downloads: 2