各位gromacs前辈好,本人近期在跑一个病毒衣壳的粗粒度模拟,目的是为了研究病毒表面spike蛋白的稳定性。因为病毒太大所以只选择了部分的衣壳结构进行模拟,并对衣壳底座backbone施加了position restraints以保证其结构稳定,而病毒spike则不做限制。模型如图,黄色是spike,灰色是capsid base
1. Energy minimization with softcore potentials: 100 steps, 0.02ps time step, flexible water, steep integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
2. Energy minimization with positional restraints: 10,000 steps, 0.02ps time step, flexible water, steep integrator, no temperature and pressure coupling.
3. Equilibration with positional restraints: 10,000 steps, 0.001ps time step, rigid water, sd integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
4. Solvation, ionization and Equilibration with positional restraints: 100,000 steps, other parameters are identical to 2)
5. NVT equilibration with positional restraints: 500,000 steps, 0.002ps time step, rigid water, sd integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, no pressure coupling.
6. Short NPT run with positional restraints: 750,000 steps, 0.02ps time step, rigid water, md integrator, V-rescale temperature coupling, 310K temperature, Berendsen barostat, isotropic pressure.
- define = -DPOSRES
- integrator = md
- dt = 0.02
- nsteps = 50000000
- nstxout = 0
- nstvout = 0
- nstfout = 0
- nstlog = 10000
- nstxout-compressed = 10000
- compressed-x-precision = 1000
- comm-mode = linear
- cutoff-scheme = Verlet
- nstlist = 20
- ns_type = grid
- pbc = xyz
- verlet-buffer-tolerance = 0.005
- coulombtype = reaction-field
- rcoulomb = 1.1
- epsilon_r = 15 ; 2.5 (with polarizable water)
- epsilon_rf = 0
- vdw_type = cutoff
- vdw-modifier = Potential-shift-verlet
- rvdw = 1.1
- tcoupl = v-rescale
- tc-grps = system
- tau-t = 1.0
- ref-t = 310
- continuation = yes
- gen-vel = no
- Pcoupl = berendsen
- Pcoupltype = isotropic
- tau-p = 4.0
- compressibility = 3e-4
- ref-p = 1.0
- refcoord-scaling = com
想请教大家,目前的mdp对于模拟该体系是合理的吗。本人目前主要对 【comm-mode】【refcoord-scaling】及【Pcoupl】的参数选择不太确定。pcoupl 选择 berendsen 而非 parrinello-rahman 主要是由于后者会造成体系崩溃。按网上一些资料的说法和gromacs的建议,使用position restraints时应当不移除COM的移动(comm-mode设置为none),但是这样设置同样会导致体系不稳定。