! SCS-MP2 UHF ECP{SDD=Ce, TZVP=[V,O]} TightSCF NoFrozenCore pal8
%mp2 MaxCore 5000
RI true
* xyz 1 2
Ce 0.92561600 1.89048800 0.00000000
V -1.51011800 -0.15276100 -1.56494300
O -2.39550700 -0.13010400 0.00000000
O 2.37848900 3.07193300 0.00000000
O 1.75424800 -0.26524100 0.00000000
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
ERROR: expect a '$', '!', '%', '*' or '[' in the input
麻烦大家帮忙看一下我的输入文件,我现在不知道该在哪里添加$ / ! 等符号了, 另外我写的混合基组的关键词是对的吗? 十分感谢呀!