本帖最后由 dengyh 于 2023-8-30 17:22 编辑
! B97-3c RIJCOSX tightSCF noautostart miniprint nopop
%maxcore 24000
%pal nprocs 10 end
nroots 300
TDA false
* xyz 0 1
Ni 4.79354602201531 5.44009503415403 11.23385192720534
Ni 3.09842372261469 4.39861962150431 13.90356790687083
[file orca_tools/Tool-Linalg/qcrpasolv.cpp, line 785, Process 0]: Rebuilding of the RPA subspace failed because there are no old eigenvectors, aborting
job aborted:
[ranks] message
[0-9] process exited without calling finalize
---- error analysis -----
[0-9] on DESKTOP-8GUDL4A
D:\ORCA\orca_cis_mpi.exe ended prematurely and may have crashed. exit code 78
---- error analysis -----
ORCA finished by error termination in CIS
Calling Command: mpiexec -np 10 D:\ORCA\orca_cis_mpi.exe NI-c-tddft.cisinp.tmp NI-c-tddft
[file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
.... aborting the run