实验合作方希望我计算出'S1' 'T1'能级,但是对于Gd来说,有七个未配对的f电子,做UTDDFT计算是貌似也很难做到这个事情
我看到论坛上@wzkchem5 老师推荐ROCIS计算开壳层的计算,我尝试将其用到我的体系,关键词如下
- ! B3LYP DKH2 DKH-def2-TZVP(-f) SARC/J RIJCOSX cpcm(Acetonitrile) TightSCF miniprint
- %basis
- end
- %pal nprocs 32
- end
- %maxcore 3500
- %scf
- ROHF_Case HighSpin
- ROHF_NEl[1] = 7
- Shift Shift 0.5 end
- TolMaxP 1e-6
- end
- NRoots 20
- MaxDim 5
- DoRI true
- ETol 1e-6
- RTol 1e-6
- MaxIter 100
- NGuessMat 512
- PrintLevel 3
- DoDFTCIS true #switches on the DFT/ROCIS method
- DFTCIS_c = 0.18, 0.20, 0.40 #Array input of the three parameters
- end
- * xyz 3 8
- Gd 0.06346330 0.18707988 1.92885420
- ...
- end
- SHARK half integral transformation done. Total time =281.4 sec.
- => returned from Coulomb half trafo
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 4]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 26]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- => RI-3-index matrix containers defined
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 26]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 0]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 0]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 30]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- [file orca_tools/SHARK/shark_setup_ri.cpp, line 82, Process 30]: Error (SHARK/SelectAuxBasis): AuxC requested but not present
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
- a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
- the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
- Process name: [[28986,1],11]
- Exit code: 55
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ORCA finished by error termination in ROCIS
- Calling Command: mpirun -np 32 /home/software/program/orca-6.0/orca_rocis_mpi gdaq3-rocis.rocisinp.tmp gdaq3-rocis
- [file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 394]:
- .... aborting the run
- [file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 394]:
- .... aborting the run