pair_style lj/class2/coul/long 10.0
bond_style class2
angle_style class2
dihedral_style class2
improper_style class2
kspace_style pppm 1e-4
错误原因:Reading tersoff potential file BNC.tersoff with DATE: 2013-03-21
PPPM initialization ...
ERROR: KSpace style is incompatible with Pair style (src/kspace.cpp:201)
Pair Coeffs # lj/class2/coul/long
1 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # c2
2 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # c1
3 0.0200000000 2.9950000000 # hc
4 0.0598000000 3.2000000000 # f
5 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # c
6 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # c3
7 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # N_3
8 0.0540000000 4.0100000000 # B_2
Bond Coeffs # class2
1 1.5300 299.6700 -501.7700 679.8100 # c2-c1
2 1.1010 345.0000 -691.8900 844.6000 # c2-hc
3 1.5300 299.6700 -501.7700 679.8100 # c2-c
4 1.3900 403.0320 0.0000 0.0000 # c1-f
5 1.1010 345.0000 -691.8900 844.6000 # c1-hc
6 1.3900 403.0320 0.0000 0.0000 # f-c
7 1.1010 345.0000 -691.8900 844.6000 # hc-c3
8 1.5300 299.6700 -501.7700 679.8100 # c-c3
9 1.5300 299.6700 -501.7700 679.8100 # N_3-B_2