a851026453 发表于 2023-9-12 10:17 你好,我用VASP计算AIMD,和你的情况一样,温度波动很大,请问你找到解决方法了么? |
你好,我也是用vasp算AIMD,但我温度波动很大,请问你遇到过这种情况吗,该怎么解决好呢 |
“我不解的是为何1x1x1可正常结束分子动力学计算,而其他高密度K点却造成计算停滞不前,也不报错。” 官网看到的,用Gamma点就行了吧 https://www.vasp.at/wiki/index.php/Liquid_Si_-_Standard_MD Since a sufficiently large super cell is used in this example, it is ok in this case to use only a single k-point in the calculations. Hence it is also possible to use the Γ\Gamma -point only version which is significantly faster than the standard version. |
jiangning198511 发表于 2021-7-29 16:08 谢谢宝贵意见,有学习CP2K的计划,但目前想弄清楚这个问题,因为之前这个体系在超算上正常结束过。 |
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你这个体系可以试一试CP2K |
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