本帖最后由 乐平 于 2023-8-19 00:16 编辑
如果你 vi install_cp2k_toolchain.sh 会看到, sirius, gsl, libspg, elpa, scalapack, hdf5, libxc 是默认自动安装的。
- The --with-PKG options follow the rules:
- --with-PKG=install Will download the package in \$PWD/build and
- install the library package in \$PWD/install.
- --with-PKG=system The script will then try to find the required
- libraries of the package from the system path
- variables such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
- CPATH etc.
- --with-PKG=no Do not use the package.
- --with-PKG=<path> The package will be assumed to be installed in
- the given <path>, and be linked accordingly.
- --with-PKG The option keyword alone will be equivalent to
- --with-PKG=install
- --with-gcc The GCC compiler to use to compile CP2K.
- Default = system
- --with-intel Use the Intel compiler to compile CP2K.
- Default = system
- --with-intel-classic Use the classic Intel compiler to compile CP2K.
- Default = no
- --with-cmake Cmake utilities
- Default = install
- --with-openmpi OpenMPI, important if you want a parallel version of CP2K.
- Default = system
- --with-mpich MPICH, MPI library like OpenMPI. one should
- use only one of OpenMPI, MPICH or Intel MPI.
- Default = system
- --with-mpich-device Select the MPICH device, implies the use of MPICH as MPI library
- Default = ch4
- --with-intelmpi Intel MPI, MPI library like OpenMPI. one should
- use only one of OpenMPI, MPICH or Intel MPI.
- Default = system
- --with-libxc libxc, exchange-correlation library. Needed for
- QuickStep DFT and hybrid calculations.
- Default = install
- --with-libint libint, library for evaluation of two-body molecular
- integrals, needed for hybrid functional calculations
- Default = install
- --with-fftw FFTW3, library for fast fourier transform
- Default = install
- --with-acml AMD core maths library, which provides LAPACK and BLAS
- Default = system
- --with-mkl Intel Math Kernel Library, which provides LAPACK, and BLAS.
- If MKL's FFTW3 interface is suitable (no FFTW-MPI support),
- it replaces the FFTW library. If the ScaLAPACK component is
- found, it replaces the one specified by --with-scalapack.
- Default = system
- --with-openblas OpenBLAS is a free high performance LAPACK and BLAS library,
- the successor to GotoBLAS.
- Default = install
- --with-scalapack Parallel linear algebra library, needed for parallel
- calculations.
- Default = install
- --with-libxsmm Small matrix multiplication library.
- Default = install
- --with-elpa Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications library.
- Fast library for large parallel jobs.
- Default = install
- --with-cusolvermp NVIDIA cusolverMp: CUDA library for distributed dense linear algebra.
- Default = no
- --with-ptscotch PT-SCOTCH, only used if PEXSI is used
- Default = no
- --with-superlu SuperLU DIST, used only if PEXSI is used
- Default = no
- --with-pexsi Enable interface to PEXSI library
- Default = no
- --with-quip Enable interface to QUIP library
- Default = no
- --with-plumed Enable interface to the PLUMED library.
- Default = no
- --with-sirius Enable interface to the plane wave SIRIUS library.
- This package requires: gsl, libspg, elpa, scalapack, hdf5 and libxc.
- Default = install
- --with-gsl Enable the gnu scientific library (required for PLUMED and SIRIUS)
- Default = install
- --with-libvdwxc Enable support of Van der Waals interactions in SIRIUS. Support provided by libvdwxc
- Default = install
- --with-spglib Enable the spg library (search of symmetry groups)
- This package depends on cmake.
- Default = install
- --with-hdf5 Enable the hdf5 library (used by the sirius library)
- Default = install
- --with-spfft Enable the spare fft used in SIRIUS (hard dependency)
- Default = install
- --with-spla Enable the Specialized Parallel Linear Algebra library (required by SIRIUS)
- Default = install
- --with-cosma Enable cosma as a replacement for scalapack matrix multiplication
- Default = install
- --with-libvori Enable libvori for the Voronoi integration (and the BQB compressed trajectory format)
- Default = install
- --with-libtorch Enable libtorch the machine learning framework needed for NequIP and Allegro
- Default = no
所以,并不是所有的 --with-PKG 都需要写(这里的 PKG 代表想安装的库)。 toolchain 里必须安装的库都是默认安装的,有些库需要在编译的时候手动填写 install.
也许是因为你用 spack安装的原因? 我没接触过 spack,不知道是否有冲突?