小菜鸟在超算平台的自家账户下,账户自身是普通账户,没有root权限。安装ORCA和cp2k,整个过程没有报错,正常结束。测试mpiexec -V可以正常显示openmpi版本。现在面临的问题是,在账户下,直接以10核心运行orca任务,是可以整场结束,没有报错。但是将计算任务提交到计算节点,就报错,以单核心却可以正常运行。orca报错代码如下- ORCA finished by error termination in GTOInt
- Calling Command: mpirun -np 10 /public/home/nwnuliujc/Software/ORCA-5.0/orca_gtoint_mpi 1.int.tmp 1
- [file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
- .... aborting the run
而slurm错误代码如下:- An ORTE daemon has unexpectedly failed after launch and before
- communicating back to mpirun. This could be caused by a number
- of factors, including an inability to create a connection back
- to mpirun due to a lack of common network interfaces and/or no
- route found between them. Please check network connectivity
- (including firewalls and network routing requirements).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [file orca_tools/qcmsg.cpp, line 465]:
- .... aborting the run
当时也测试了以下cp2k,直接不运行,slurm报错也如下。slurm提交脚本如下:- #!/bin/bash
- #SBATCH -J p4
- #SBATCH -p high
- #SBATCH -N 1
- #SBATCH --ntasks=10
- #SBATCH --mem=100G
- #SBATCH --output=%j.out
- #SBATCH --error=%j.err
- echo start on $(date)
- source /public/home/nwnuliujc/Software/gcc-9.3.0/env.sh
- /public/home/nwnuliujc/Software/ORCA-5.0/orca 1.inp > 1.out
复制代码 尝试过在bashrc中添加export OMPI_ALLOW_RUN_AS_ROOT=1,export OMPI_ALLOW_RUN_AS_ROOT_CONFIRM=1。以及添加export OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_allow_ib=1,都不行,求助应该怎么解决