哦不好意思,谢谢您的答复。这个是最开始优化表面的INCAR。最新版吸附CO的INCAR在这,DFT+U和POTCAR都有对应POSCAR的元素顺序。另外,我的Cu没有+U,只对W加U了。后来尝试过Cu也加U(根据文献+7 eV),结果连晶格常数优化都不收敛。
NWRITE = 2 (Medium-level output)
ISTART = 0 (Read existing wavefunction; otherwise 0 for a new start)
INIWAV = 1 (Random initial wavefunction; otherwise)
ICORELEVEL = 1 (Print core levels)
!!NELECT = 352 (No. of electrons: charged cells; be careful)
!!NBANDS = 35 (No. of bands)
LPLANE = .TRUE. (Real space distribution; supercells)
NCORE = 12 (Max is no. nodes; don't set for hybrids)
KPAR = 1 (Divides k-grid into separate groups)
!Electronic Relaxation:
!!PREC = Accurate (Precision level)
LREAL = Auto (Projection operators: automatic)
!!LREAL = .FALSE. (Accurate forces for phonon calculations)
ALGO = Fast (SCF minimisation algorithm; 38/48 combo)
IALGO = 48
ENCUT = 450.00 eV (Plane-wave cutoff)
NELM = 120 (Max SCF steps)
NELMIN = 5 (Min SCF steps)
EDIFF = 1E-05 (SCF energy convergence; eV)
!!ISPIN = 1 (Closed shell DFT)
ISPIN = 2 (Spin polarised DFT)
GGA = PE (Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation)
NPAR = 5
!Ionic Relaxation:
EDIFFG = -0.05 (Ionic convergence; eV/AA)
NSW = 300 (Max ionic steps)
NBLOCK = 1 (Update XDATCAR every X steps)
IBRION = 2 (Algorithm: 0-MD; 1-Quasi-New; 2-CG)
ISIF = 2 (Stress/relaxation: 2-Ions, 3-Shape/Ions/V, 7-Vol)
ISYM = 0 (Symmetry: 0=none; 2=GGA; 3=hybrids)
ISMEAR = 0 (0-Gaussian smearing)
(metal: 1 or 2)
(semiconductors/insulators: -5; for large cell (k-points <=2 : 0))
SIGMA = 0.05 (Smearing value in eV)
(metals:0.2 (keep T*S < 1 meV/atom, otherwise reduce SIGMA))
LORBIT = 11 (PAW radii for projected DOS)
!!LORBIT = 1 (Supply radii for projected DOS)
!!RWIGS = 1.5 1.5 (Radii for each atomic species)
!!LOPTICS = .TRUE. (Dielectric functions)
!!NEDOS = 1000 (DOSCAR points)
!!LVTOT = .TRUE. (Electrostatic potential)
!!LELF = .TRUE. (Localisation function)
!!NGX = 500 (FFT grid mesh density; nice plots)
!!NGY = 500 (FFT grid mesh density)
!!NGZ = 500 (FFT grid mesh density)
!Magnetic Calculations:
MAGMOM = 24*0 24*5 97*0 (Initial magnetic momoment on each ion)
!!NUPDOWN = -1 (Enforce spin multiplet)
!!LSORBIT = .TRUE. (Spin-orbit coupling)
#### DFT + U ####
LDAU = .TRUE. (Activate DFT+U)
LDAUTYPE = 2 (Dudarev; only U-J matters)
LDAUL = -1 2 -1 -1 (Orbitals for each species)
LDAUU = 0 6.2 0 0 (U for each species)
LDAUJ = 0 0 0 0 (J for each species)
LMAXMIX = 4 (Mixing cut-off; 4-d, 6-f) |