感谢老师耐心回复,听取您的建议,我使用#p UM062X/6-311G(d) scrf(smd,solvent=thf) guess=mix nosymm stable=opt考察了开壳层单重态情况,得到的最后一处SCF Done下方内容
Error on total polarization charges = 0.03572
SCF Done: E(UM062X) = -650.300765630 A.U. after 17 cycles
NFock= 17 Conv=0.96D-08 -V/T= 2.0037
<Sx>= 0.0000 <Sy>= 0.0000 <Sz>= 0.0000 <S**2>= 0.0000 S= 0.0000
<L.S>= 0.000000000000E+00
KE= 6.478997987672D+02 PE=-3.319682338523D+03 EE= 1.117317223653D+03
SMD-CDS (non-electrostatic) energy (kcal/mol) = -1.15
Mulliken charges and spin densities with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
1 2
1 O -0.379093 0.000001
2 C -0.089309 0.000001
4 C 0.364223 -0.000001
5 C -0.035799 0.000000
8 C 0.017614 -0.000001
10 C 0.014654 0.000000
12 C 0.115783 -0.000002
13 C 0.044303 0.000000
16 C 0.121398 0.000000
19 C -0.274440 0.000000
20 C 0.204538 0.000000
25 C 0.256361 0.000000
26 C 0.257608 0.000000
27 N -0.309055 0.000000
28 N -0.308786 0.000000
Electronic spatial extent (au): <R**2>= 4334.0245
Charge= 0.0000 electrons
PDM for each excited state written to RWF 633
Ground to excited state transition densities written to RWF 633
Eigenvectors of the stability matrix:
Excited state symmetry could not be determined.
Eigenvector 1: 3.000-?Sym Eigenvalue= 0.1041659 <S**2>=2.000
53A -> 55A -0.64078
54A -> 55A -0.14667
53B -> 55B 0.64080
54B -> 55B 0.14667
The wavefunction is stable under the perturbations considered.
再同时我想再请教一下延申的问题,如果得到的SCF Done下方的<S**2>=2,是否应该就可以认为开壳层单重态存在,并通过
# M062X/6-311G* guess=read opt freq scrf(smd,solvent=thf)
# M062X/6-311G* guess=read opt(calcall,ts,nosymm) freq scrf(smd,solvent=thf)
# M062X/def2TZVP guess=read scrf(smd,solvent=thf)
来进行几何优化、过渡态搜索或者单点能计算(oldchk即使用#p UM062X/6-311G(d) scrf(smd,solvent=thf) guess=mix nosymm stable=opt得到的Chk文件)