本帖最后由 Gonglinquan 于 2023-12-28 08:22 编辑
投稿的工作是关于聚合度为3的聚合物的热降解机理的研究, 优化和振动分析采用的是B3LYP/6-311G**,单点是m062x/def2tzvp。但由于没有意识到体系存在柔性,计算方法也没有使用色散校正和频率校正因子,其中一个审稿人针对这些问题提了几个比较专业的意见,如下所示:
1. As mentioned in the computational details, theB3LYP method is used for optimization and frequency calculations. Why not usedispersion correction and frequency correction factors to obtain more accuratemolecular structure and thermally corrected values?
2. As mentioned in the line 263 to 265("Apparently, the stable configuration shows a spiral structure, and threemonomers form a cycle"). Whether this view is supported by a comprehensiveconformational search. In other words, are there other conformations that aremore stable?
3. In the paper, potential energy profiles areplotted using Gibbs free energy. It is suggested to consider the contributionof low frequency vibration modes to entropy.
1. 计算IGMH证明分子内弱相互作用不强,以此说明不加色散校正的原因,但频率校正因子我暂时还没有思路如何回答
2. 考虑使用Gromacs跑一下分子动力学以获得多构象,然后通过molclus进行计算筛选,找出其他稳定构象,来讨论存不存在更稳定的构象。如果不存在,刚好可说明我采用的结构是合理的,如果存在, 只能考虑解释确实存在更稳定的构象,相关研究可以在后续工作中进行,本工作的局限性也在文中进行说明
3. 第三条意见没有太理解到审稿人的意思,是让我计算低频振动模式对熵的贡献绘制势能面的意思吗?
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