供参考:- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """Dihedral angle calculation module.
- K. Rother
- Two functions are provided (see documentation of each function for
- a more detailed description):
- angle (v1,v2) - returns the angle between two 2D or 3D numpy arrays
- (in radians)
- dihedral (v1,v2,v3,v4) - returns the dihedral angle between four 3D vectors
- (in degrees)
- The vectors that dihedral uses can be lists, tuples or numpy arrays.
- Scientific.Geometry.Vector objects behave differently on Win and Linux,
- and they are therefore not supported (but may work anyway).
- """
- __author__ = "Kristian Rother"
- __copyright__ = "Copyright 2007-2016, The Cogent Project"
- __contributors__ = ["Kristian Rother", "Sandra Smit"]
- __credits__ = ["Janusz Bujnicki", "Daniel McDonald"]
- __license__ = "GPL"
- __version__ = "1.9"
- __maintainer__ = "Kristian Rother"
- __email__ = "krother@rubor.de"
- __status__ = "Production"
- from numpy import array, cross, pi, cos, sqrt, sum, arccos as acos
- class DihedralGeometryError(Exception):
- pass
- class AngleGeometryError(Exception):
- pass
- def fix_rounding_error(x):
- ROUND_ERROR = 1e-14 # fp rounding error: causes some tests to fail
- # will round to 0 if smaller in magnitude than this
- """
- If x is almost in the range 0-1, fixes it.
- Specifically, if x is between -ROUND_ERROR and 0, returns 0.
- If x is between 1 and 1+ROUND_ERROR, returns 1.
- """
- if -ROUND_ERROR < x < 0:
- return 0
- elif 1 < x < 1 + ROUND_ERROR:
- return 1
- else:
- return x
- def norm(a):
- """Returns the norm of a matrix or vector
- Calculates the Euclidean norm of a vector.
- Applies the Frobenius norm function to a matrix
- (a.k.a. Euclidian matrix norm)
- a = numpy array
- """
- return sqrt(sum((a * a).flat))
- def scalar(v1, v2):
- """
- calculates the scalar product of two vectors
- v1 and v2 are numpy.array objects.
- returns a float for a one-dimensional array.
- """
- return sum(v1 * v2)
- def angle(v1, v2):
- """
- calculates the angle between two vectors.
- v1 and v2 are numpy.array objects.
- returns a float containing the angle in radians.
- """
- length_product = norm(v1) * norm(v2)
- if length_product == 0:
- raise AngleGeometryError(
- "Cannot calculate angle for vectors with length zero")
- cosine = scalar(v1, v2) / length_product
- angle = acos(fix_rounding_error(cosine))
- return angle
- def calc_angle(vec1, vec2, vec3):
- """Calculates a flat angle from three coordinates."""
- if len(vec1) == 3:
- v1, v2, v3 = map(create_vector, [vec1, vec2, vec3])
- else:
- v1, v2, v3 = map(create_vector2d, [vec1, vec2, vec3])
- v12 = v2 - v1
- v23 = v2 - v3
- angl = angle(v12, v23) * 180.0 / pi
- return angl
- def create_vector2d(vec):
- """Returns a vector as a numpy array."""
- return array([vec[0], vec[1]])
- def create_vector(vec):
- """Returns a vector as a numpy array."""
- return array([vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]])
- def create_vectors(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4):
- """Returns dihedral angle, takes four
- Scientific.Geometry.Vector objects
- (dihedral does not work for them because
- the Win and Linux libraries are not identical.
- """
- return map(create_vector, [vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4])
- def dihedral(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4):
- """
- Returns a float value for the dihedral angle between
- the four vectors. They define the bond for which the
- torsion is calculated (~) as:
- V1 - V2 ~ V3 - V4
- The vectors vec1 .. vec4 can be array objects, lists or tuples of length
- three containing floats.
- For Scientific.geometry.Vector objects the behavior is different
- on Windows and Linux. Therefore, the latter is not a featured input type
- even though it may work.
- If the dihedral angle cant be calculated (because vectors are collinear),
- the function raises a DihedralGeometryError
- """
- # create array instances.
- v1, v2, v3, v4 = create_vectors(vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4)
- all_vecs = [v1, v2, v3, v4]
- # rule out that two of the atoms are identical
- # except the first and last, which may be.
- for i in range(len(all_vecs) - 1):
- for j in range(i + 1, len(all_vecs)):
- if i > 0 or j < 3: # exclude the (1,4) pair
- equals = all_vecs[i] == all_vecs[j]
- if equals.all():
- raise DihedralGeometryError(
- "Vectors #%i and #%i may not be identical!" % (i, j))
- # calculate vectors representing bonds
- v12 = v2 - v1
- v23 = v3 - v2
- v34 = v4 - v3
- # calculate vectors perpendicular to the bonds
- normal1 = cross(v12, v23)
- normal2 = cross(v23, v34)
- # check for linearity
- if norm(normal1) == 0 or norm(normal2) == 0:
- raise DihedralGeometryError(
- "Vectors are in one line; cannot calculate normals!")
- # normalize them to length 1.0
- normal1 = normal1 / norm(normal1)
- normal2 = normal2 / norm(normal2)
- # calculate torsion and convert to degrees
- torsion = angle(normal1, normal2) * 180.0 / pi
- # take into account the determinant
- # (the determinant is a scalar value distinguishing
- # between clockwise and counter-clockwise torsion.
- if scalar(normal1, v34) >= 0:
- return torsion
- else:
- torsion = -torsion
- if torsion == 360:
- torsion = 0.0
- return torsion