我最近用molpro 2012 做 casscf计算. 发现, 如果用如下的笛卡尔型基组
计算结果就会报错, 如下:
Not enough P space configurations found with threshold 0.40 for 10 states. Nplist= 1 threshold increased to 0.90
Not enough P space configurations found with threshold 0.90 for 10 states. Nplist= 1 threshold increased to 1.40
Not enough P space configurations found with threshold 1.40 for 10 states. Nplist= 1 threshold increased to 1.90
Not enough P space configurations found with threshold 1.90 for 10 states. Nplist= 1 threshold increased to 2.40
Not enough P space configurations found with threshold 2.40 for 10 states. Nplist= 1 threshold increased to 2.90
Catastrophic error in selecting P space. Last threshold: 2.90 nplist= 1 nstate=10 nci= 400
如果换成spherical基组 (也是在2012版本下, 输入文件的其他地方未做改动):
此外, 用molpro 2010版本, 不管对cartesian或spherical 基组, 都能正常结束.
但是, 我现在需要用2012版本的新特性, 做一些计算, 并且需要在cartesian 基组下做. 所以, 就被以上的错误搞郁闷了.
请问大家, 有何建议? 多谢!